More furries and digital painting

I have too much fun drawing in Photoshop with the Cintiq, it's magical!

Characters and NPCs on the french RPG forum Féia

You can read a better description of the characters at

Arielle, Goddess of Birth

Azera, Goddess of History, daughter of Arielle

Dresla, Goddess of Magic, big sister of Arielle and mother of Warui

Warui, Goddess of Freedom, daughter of Dresla and founder of the Sytha bloodline

Elleira Sytha, Jarl of Wotkal, High Priestess of Warui and fire swordmage. Mother of Astrid, Asger and Gersemi Sytha

Rhyas Sytha, Shadow and Spymaster of Elleira, also her big sister

Surric Belac, Thane of Wotkal, husband of Elleira Sytha, ice swordmage and father of Astrid, Asger and Gersemi Sytha

This one is not finished yet.
On top is Zima Targavin, exiled of Davoh and under protection of Elleira. She is Gersemi and Siiko magic tutor. Bottom left is Gersemi Sytha, heir of Wotkal, a young albino Farid and fire swordmage like her mother. Bottom right is Siiko Sytha, a human-dragon hybrid who was found in the snowy forest by Gersemi and brought back at the Sytha Mansion. She was adopted by Elleira and Surric. Siiko is a Medic mage.


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